Global Health
We envision a future of global health equity where all people realize their right to the highest attainable standards of health.
Lack of access to quality healthcare has devastating global consequences. Evidence shows that in resource-poor settings, these problems can be substantially reduced through increased use of simple, low-cost interventions, increasing access to community-based services and strengthening primary health systems.
Through our Global Health grantmaking strategy, we partner with those striving towards global health equity to launch and support innovative, community-based solutions in Sub-Saharan Africa. Central to this is strengthening Global South leadership, engagement, and capacity for research and learning.

HSA Precious Mtalimanja on his way to visit patients in Salima District Malawi. Image Courtesy of Last Mile Health.
Focus Areas
Community Health Workers (CHWs):
Increase the number of frontline health workers (CHWs, midwives, traditional birth attendants) that are properly trained, supervised, equipped, salaried, and digitally-enabled to do their jobs.
Community Health Clinics:
Invest in strengthening basic infrastructure to increase capacity, accessibility and quality of primary care facilities and staff; strengthen supply chain management (supply, equipment, reporting, ordering) and referral networks; and support ongoing operations.
Innovative Technology:
Support new and innovative technology solutions that strengthen community-based access to primary healthcare.